Group/Umbrella Membership Addon

Group/Umbrella Membership

Important Note: This Addon will only work if the ARMember plugin is installed with version 4.1 or higher

This add-on will allow you to manage Group Membership on your ARMember membership setup via Group Membership.

Steps For Installation And Activation

You can install the plugin in the following two ways. and ARMember – Group Membership plugin requires ARMember Plugin installed and active.

New install via FTP

  1. Download the plugin and extract it. You will find a directory armembergroupmembership.
  2. In your WordPress installation directory, upload armembergroupmembership to wp-content/plugins/
  3. Activate the ARMember - Group/Umbrella Membership plugin through the Plugins menu from the WordPress admin panel.

New install via the WordPress Uploader

  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Log in to your WordPress admin panel
  3. Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload
  4. Click on “choose file” and browse the download package. When the plugin uploads successfully, click on Activate Plugin.

Steps to Setup Group/Umbrella Membership For Your Website

Let’s setup ARMember – Group/Umbrella Membership for your website:

  1. After activating the addon, you can enable group membership for any plan. Group Membership plan enable/disable section will display in ARMember -> Manage Plans -> Add / Edit Plan -> Group Membership Settings. Please see the below screen.

  2. Enter the value of your minimum members limit in the ‘Minimum Members’ option. Select your purchase slot from the ‘Child user seat purchase slab’.

  3. After activating Group Membership for the plan, configure your plan with ‘Configure Plan + Signup Page’. After configuring your setup, copy the setup shortcode and add it to your signup page. Now when you access your signup page it has the option of how many users you want to purchase like the below screen.

    In ‘Sub User Selection’ section it will display purchase seats according to your purchase slot selection for plan. You can change label of ‘Child User Selection’ for your plan setup from ‘Configure Plan + Signup Page’. Navigate ARMember -> 'Configure Plan + Signup Page' -> Add/Edit Setup Form page at Other Options section. For add summary text in your plan summary text, you can add it from your ‘Configure Plan + Signup Page’. In ‘Summary Text’ option from your plan setup there is one option of ‘[SELECTED_CHILD]’ which will replace with your selected child user.
  4. For child user signup, Enable the ‘Display Child User Invite Code’ option in your register page from the ‘Membership Shortcode’ option. Please see the below screenshot. Also you can change the value of your child user invite code field label & child user invite code field placeholder from ‘Membership Shortcode’. Please see the below screenshot.

  5. Admin user can see all Group Members data in ARMember -> Group Membership page. It looks like following screen.

    Also Admin user can view child users data with on click of child users counter in Group membership page. If Admin wants to edit group membership of any user or if Admin wants to add child user then it can add from Group Membership page. Also, the Admin can delete the group membership of any member from the Group Membership page.
  6. After signup with Group Membership, parent user can view their child user data with shortcode from ‘Membership Shortcode’ on their page. To add a shortcode see the below screenshot.

    This shortcode displays data of child user invitation code and added child users list like the following screenshot.

    To change the labels of listing tables screen, shortcode has options like the following screen.

    For enable/disable button and change button text and also to apply custom CSS to button shortcode provides the options to enable/disable specific buttons like the following screenshot.

    For Change labels of invite popup field and also to change form style, shortcode have the option of selecting form for change style and input field to change the values of invite popup fields like the following screen.

    Parent user invite their child user from click on ‘Invite’ button. Invite button open popup where input your invite user email id and if you want to invite more than one users then you can add the email of more than one users with ‘comma'(,) separated.

    If you want to change your invite code or you want to refresh your invite code then it can be refresh from the ‘Refresh Invite Code’ button in your invitation code list. Using this shortcode, it also displays parent users all child users list in the ‘Child Users List’ table. Also, the parent user can delete its child user from this table. If you want to display only parent user seat counter then there is also an option available in ‘Membership Shortcode’. Please see the below screenshot.

    After adding this shortcode on your page, it will add the following line to your page like the following screenshot.

  7. By default all Content Access Rules which is applied to parent user is automatically added to its child users. If parent user wants to restrict any page for child user then it can restrict from ARMember -> General Settings -> Set Child User Restrict Page option. Please see below screen.

  8. To add child users from the admin side, navigate a section of ‘Group Membership’ in ARMember, and on this page, there is a listing of members who have group membership enabled. To add specific child users to any member it has the option to add child users like the following screen.

    Also to edit any group membership user’s seat limit, group membership user has the option of ‘Edit Group Membership’. So a member can edit their group membership. Please see the below screen.

    On the group membership listing page there is an option to display all child users. There is a column of child users and it displays a counter of child users. When clicking on the child user’s counter, it will display a list of all child users like the following screen.

  9. Go to Common Messages tab at General Settings to configure Error messages and success messages. To set default error message and success message required when particular action will occur.

Page Setup for child registration

In order to allow the child members to register you can add the registration from other than the one already at your site in order to add the shortcode you can navigate to the Admin Panel -> Pages -> Add/Edit new page and here you will be able to check the Membership Shortcode

In order to allow add the shortcode select the option Forms and at the dropdown select the registration form and check the radio button yes to Enable Child User Invitation?. Check the below provided example, you can replace the FORM_ID if you have created another registration form.

[arm_form id="101" is_child="1"]

Now to map this page with the child registration, navigate to the ARMember -> General Settings -> Page Setup and here select the child registration page at the Child user signup page and save the changes.

ARMember Mapping Forms

Email Notifications For Group Membership

ARMember allows you to enable and configure email notification for different activities. To configure email for group membership activities please go to ARMember -> Email Notification. Click on Add New Response you will get popup open to configure email notification where you have options of all group membership activities in Message To Be Sent input as you can see in following image.

ARMember Group Membership Email Notification

  • On Invite User For Group Membership

    This event will trigger when group membership purchased user invite to the users. You can set individually event for each plan or multiple plan.

  • Send Group Membership Signup to Parent User

    This event will trigger when the child user signup and will be notify to their parent user. You can set individually event for each plan or multiple plan.

  • Send Group Membership Signup to Child User

    This event will be notified to the child user and when the child user signup successfully. You can set individually event for each plan or multiple plan.

Email Template Tags For Group Membership


    This email template tag is used to display invite code when parent user invite any child user.


    This email template tag is used to display invite code when parent user invite any child user.


    This email template tag is used to display parent user username when child user receives notification of successfully signup as child user.

Common Messages For Group Membership

  • Child User Invite Code Label

    Here you can change invite code popup label.

  • Child User Invite Code Empty Error

    Here you can change invite code textbox error message.

  • Child User Invite Code Used Error

    Here you can change invite code already used error message.

  • Child User Invite Email Available Error

    Here you can change invite code already used error message.

  • Child User Invite Code Available Error

    Here you can change invite code availability error message.

  • Child User Invitation Success Message

    Here you can change child user successfully invite message.

  • Child User Delete Message

    Here you can change child user delete message.

  • Child User Resend Email Success Message

    Here you can change child user resend email successfully message.

  • Child User Refresh Invite Code Message

    Here you can change child user refresh invite code successfully message.


It will not possible to purchase Group Membership membership plan with Auto-debit Payment Method.

If any user signup as child user then user cannot purchase membership plans. And content permission will be inherited from their parent user.

Admininistrator can assign non group membership plan to member if group membership plan not available member account.

ARMember Group Membership does not possible with ARMember Multiple Membership.

Umbrella/Group Membership Shortcodes


Place this shortcode to display Group member’s child users in your page.

Possible Arguments:
arm_gm_membership_field_username Username Field label name
arm_gm_membership_field_email Group membership child list email column label
arm_gm_membership_field_name Group membership child list Name column label
arm_gm_membership_field_status Group membership child list invitation column label
arm_gm_membership_field_action Group membership child list Action button column label
display_delete_button Show delete button or not(true or false)
delete_button_text Show delete button label
delete_button_css Show delete button CSS
delete_button_hover_css Show delete button hover CSS
display_resend_email_button Show resent invitation button(true or false)
resend_email_button_text Show resent invitation button text label
resend_email_button_css Show resent invitation button CSS
resend_email_button_hover_css Show resent invitation button hover CSS
display_refresh_invite_code_button Show resent invitation code refresh button(true or false)
per_page Show child member list per one page(default : 5)
message_no_record No record found message
arm_gm_shortcode_form_id No register form ID (eg: 101)
popup_title Invitation Popup Label
popup_field_label Invitation Field Label
popup_button_text Popup submit button Label
custom_css Popup form Custom CSS


Shows Group member users seat count.