8 Reasons to Build Your Membership Site on WordPress

Published in Membership Tutorial June 19, 2024 6 min read

Creating a membership site on WordPress is the smart decision because you get the flexibility and features of expensive platforms at a fraction of the cost, with many more flexibility and extensibility opportunities. You can sell courses, create support groups, back up your business with a community, you name it.

But what exactly do we mean by that? Let’s break it down and list 8 reasons to build your membership site on WordPress.

WordPress is Perfect for Learning & Communication

WordPress started as a content and blogging system, which means it was meant for all sorts of communication and sharing content. While it’s a much more diverse and multipurpose system at the moment, which is used by websites from magazines to complex e-commerce platforms and portfolio sites.

website on wordpress cms

So, if you are going to offer exclusive content or services behind a paywall – you can leverage WordPress’s membership functionalities without hassle, of course. Create and sell courses, run communities, or provide online coaching – WordPress membership solutions are made to solve any task.

WordPress is Cost-effective

Creating a custom membership is very costly, membership software may be cheaper to use, but WordPress membership plugins are the most cost-effective way to build a powerful site.

With just one plugin and fixed cost per year, like the ARMember WordPress membership plugin, you can have all the tools you need and never overpay.

  • You usually pay only once a year for a plugin – sometimes even lifetime (one-time) cost is available.
  • Other solutions and tools you might need are always easy to connect with any extra plugins, some are totally free and don’t require tech expertise.
  • WordPress plugins and themes in general cost less than professional services from developers and designs or web studios.

Powerful Security Options

Security is of high importance for a WordPress membership site – your customers will need to log in within a protected login area; you will need to protect your site from brute force attacks; you’ll need to limit logins to the same account from different devices, etc.

wordpress site security

The WordPress software itself, security plugins, and even built-in security features of membership plugins usually provide many tools to add security layers to your site, which will help you build a membership site with peace of mind.

Continuously Evolving Platform

Software comes and goes, but choosing WordPress (the most popular content management platform in the world), you’re building a rock-solid foundation for your business for years to come.

You will never be worried about WordPress – you’ll have the tools you need to adapt and grow your website no matter what comes down the pipeline; you can change plugins if you are not satisfied with the functionality and you can change WP themes if you want to give a fresher look to your site.

Powerful & Extendable with Plugins

There is a WordPress plugin, a piece of functionality, for every purpose a membership site (or any other site) might require: for the search engine optimization, for better site maintenance, for bookings, etc. You can alter your site in any way, connect third-party services, or implement the feature you need.


Membership plugins that you’ll need to build your membership community are usually very flexible and feature-rich, offering multiple essential tools, such as:

  • Content dripping of any level.
  • Varying access privileges and pricing options for users.
  • Powerful content restriction based on membership levels.
  • Smooth payments gateway integration for accepting online payment worldwide.
  • Automated emails and SMS to your users.
  • Built-in analytics and supporting skills.

Global Community for Support & Recommendations

WordPress is known for its huge and supportive community, which can help you with whatever questions.

large wordpress community

Sure, you’ll get support from the company you buy your membership solution from, but with WordPress, you also have access to a whole world of information and people online who can help you with anything. This is one of the best advantages of the world’s most popular platform.

Easy to Use for Any Language

No matter the main language of your membership website, you can easily translate it or publish it right away in your language. Usually multilingual and translation features are added with the help of extra translation plugins.

However, in the last few years, there have even been plans to integrate multilingual WordPress functionality directly into the WordPress core (meaning, to make it available without a need to install a plugin), so it’s always evolving!

WordPress is SEO-Friendly

Making a membership site is one thing but making it popular is a task much harder – and it can’t be solved well without many SEO opportunities and tools. WordPress is a very SEO-friendly platform.

Out-of-the-box, WordPress allows you to create user-friendly permalinks (permanent URLs) for your pages and posts, which can include relevant keywords; it has great tools for readability, headings, and subheadings, as well as image optimization and mobile-responsive design. All this by default significantly contributes to the user-friendliness of your membership site.

Moreover, there is an array of SEO and AI plugins that can help you make your site visible in the search engines much faster, create content better, and learn the specifics of SEO along the way.

Let’s Recap

With so many tools and solutions available for membership businesses, why would you consider WordPress? Is it worth it?

Using WordPress for building a membership community is a great chance to start with a powerful, cost-effective, and long-living solution for your business. 

  • You have a great choice of membership plugins for WordPress to deliver your content in a preferable way and get paid for it.
  • WordPress comes with many built-in tools for security, SEO, online payments, third-party service integration, etc.
  • It has a massive community of users worldwide, and it’s only getting bigger. That means tons of resources and helping hands are available online, no matter what you need.

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Brain Denim

Brian Denim

Meet Brian, a WordPress expert with a decade of experience in web development and a passion for technical writing, watching movies, and camping.

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