Single V/S Multiple Membership

ARMembers provides facility to hold multiple membership simultaneously for members.

Multiple Membership will be available only if you activate Multiple Membership from Add-ons.

1. Single Membership

If Multiple Membership add-on is not activated, then a user cannot have more than one plan. When user have already one plan and again purchase a new plan, then it is considered as ‘Change Plan’ action and old plan is removed from user and new plan is assigned.

2. Multiple Membership

If Multiple Membership add-on is activated, then a user can have more than one plan simultaneously. When user have already one plan and again purchase a new plan, then it is considered as ‘Add Plan’ action and new plan is added in user’s plan list. Users can have as many plans as they want simultaneously.

User can hold multiple membership simultaneously, but can not purchase multiple membership plans simultaneously.

At the ARMember โ‡พ Manage Members, the admin can check the multiple plans owned by the members as shown in the below image.

ARMember does provide a section for 'Manage Subscriptions', here you can easily search the member and then accordingly check all the transactions made by the members for the different plans, below image shows the fields which are displayed at the Manage Subscriptions to handle the subscriptions easily.

Front-end side view

When the member holds multiple membership, then the member can check out their multiple memberships and check out the next cycle date at the 'Current Membership'. This way the members can also cancel the membership for any particular plan too.

To know more about how to add the ‘Current Membership Shortcode’, you can click here.