Access Rules Terms Info

Setup Restrict Post and Page using Access Rules

Armember provides very easy user friendly interface to set access rules.

  • Set access rules for full or a section of an article content. Create different membership plans and select which kind of content ( Pages, Posts, Custom Posts, Categories, Tags, Taxonomy, Navigation Menus, Special Pages, BuddyPress, Buddyboss, bbpress- forums, bbpress- replies, bbpress- topics) can be viewed by each membership plan.

  • Access Rule On or Off protection possible with one click.
  • To protect content for a specific membership plan, simply find the membership plan column in grid and check the checkbox next to the individual posts, pages, categories for which you want to give access.
  • While editing/creating new posts/page, you can directly set rule for that individual post with help of Meta Box.

    Please make sure while adding protection, If you enable protection for specific item & didn’t select any plan, then item will be hide from everywhere.

Access Rules Listing Page

There are different filters available in grid to search & find your content easily. Those filters are as follows:


This filter will help you to filter grid items by Pages, Posts, Custom Posts, Categories, Tags, Taxonomy, Navigation Menus, Special Pages, BuddyPress, Buddyboss, bbpress- forums, bbpress- replies, bbpress- topics.

bbpress – Forums, topics & replies related option will only available if you have bbpress activated in your system.


You can filter listing by protection.


You can filter listing by plan. All grid items will be filtered according to protection applied for selected plan(s).

ARMember plugin gives you facility to toggle access rule in bulk for specific plan with three state of checkbox in grid. Those checkboxes are available under the plan name. Three state of checkboxes are as follows:

Checked State

When checkbox is in checked state, All Access rules for that specific plan will be applied to listed items.

Unchecked State

When checkbox is in unchecked state, All Access rules for that specific plan will be removed from listed items.

Indeterminate State

When checkbox is in indeterminate state, All Access rules for that specific plan will be reverted to default state in listed items.


How Access Rules Work for different types of content?

Through access rules you can restrict users of specific plan(s) from accessing following types of content.
Pages , Posts , Custom Posts , Categories , Tags , Taxonomy , Navigation Menus , Special Pages , BuddyPress , Buddyboss , bbpress- forums , bbpress- replies , bbpress- topics .


When page(s) is set in access rule, that page(s) will be restricted for all visitors and registered users, but users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can access that page(s). Restricted page(s) will not be shown in search listing and RSS feed. Please note that, sub-pages will not be restricted if you restrict parent page.


When post(s) is set in access rule, that post(s) will be restricted for all visitors and registered users, but users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can access that post(s). Also, restricted post(s) will not be shown in any of search or archive listings or RSS feed.

Custom posts

When custom-post(s) is set in access rule, that custom-post(s) will be restricted for all visitors and registered users, but users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can access that custom-post(s). Also, restricted custom-posts(s) will not be shown in any of search or archive listings or RSS feed. for ex. any of Woocommerce Products is restricted then it will not be shown in shop page product listing or anywhere in front-end.


When category(s) is set in access rule, that category(s) will be restricted for all visitors and registered users, but users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can access that category(s). Please note that, if you restrict parent category, all sub-categories and posts belongs to that category will also be restricted.


When taxonomy(s) is set in access rule, that taxonomy(s) will be restricted for all visitors and registered users, but users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can access that taxonomy(s). Please note that, if you restrict any taxonomy, all posts belongs to that taxonomy will be restricted.


When tag(s) is set in access rule, that tag(s) will be restricted for all visitors and registered users, but users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can access that tag(s). Please note that, if you restrict any tag, all posts belongs to that tag will be restricted.

Special Pages

When any of following pages is set in access rule, that page(s) will be restricted for all visitors and registered users, but users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can access that page(s).
Any Archive page, Author Archives Page, Any Date or Time Archive, Archive: Year, Archive: Month, Archive: Day, Archive: Time, Blog Index, 404 Not Found, Search Results, Any single page or post, Any attachment page, Feeds


You can restrict users from accessing following buddypress content.
Group creation – when access rule is set for this, only users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can create buddyPress group.
Friendship request – when access rule is set for this, only users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can send friend request to other buddyPress members.
Private messaging – when access rule is set for this, only users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can send private message to other buddyPress members.
All BuddyPress Pages – when access rule is set for this, only users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can see buddyPress member directory and member profiles.


You can restrict users from accessing following Buddyboss content.
Group creation – when access rule is set for this, only users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can create Buddyboss group.
Friendship request – when access rule is set for this, only users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can send friend request to other Buddyboss members.
Private messaging – when access rule is set for this, only users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can send private message to other Buddyboss members.
All Buddyboss Pages – when access rule is set for this, only users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can see Buddyboss member directory and member profiles.


When any of bbPress forums is set in access rule, that forum(s) page will be restricted for all visitors and registered users, but users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can access that forum(s). Please note that, if you restrict parent forum, all sub-forums and topics belongs to that forum won’t be restricted.


When any of bbPress topics is set in access rule, that topic(s) page will be restricted for all visitors and registered users, but users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can access that topic(s).


When any of bbPress replies is set in access rule, that reply(s) page will be restricted for all visitors and registered users, but users of plan(s) for which “Allow Access” is set can access that reply(s).