ARMember Gift Membership Addon

Gift Membership

Important Note: This plugin will only work if ARMember plugin version is 5.0.2 or higher.

Important Note: ARMember – Gift plugin requires ARMember Coupon Module.

Steps For Installation And Activation

You can install the plugin in the following two ways. and ARMember – Gift Membership Addon plugin requires ARMember Plugin installed and active.

New install via FTP

  1. Download Addon and extract it. You will find a directory armembergift.

  2. In your WordPress installation directory, upload armembergift to wp-content/plugins/

  3. Activate the ARMember - Gift Membership Addon plugin through the Plugins menu from the WordPress admin panel.

New install via the WordPress Uploader

  1. Download the plugin.

  2. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.

  3. Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload

  4. Click on “choose file” and browse the download package. When the plugin uploads successfully, click on Activate Plugin.

Steps to Setup Gift Membership Addon For Your Website

Let’s setup ARMember – Gift Membership Addon for your website :

When Addon is activated, you will be able to see the below options in the admin menu as submenus of ARMember

  1. Manage Gifts
  2. Gift Payments

How to Manage Gifts

  • To view a list of all gifts with their details go to the Manage Gifts menu from the admin interface. Also here you can also add a new gift, can track how many users have purchased the gift on your website.
  • Here you are able to see Gift Title, Gift Amount, Gift Type, the total number of gift members. Also, it is possible to assign Gifts to any user available on your website very easily

    Please see below screen.

  • Actions

    This option will be helpful want to view members for each gifts or perform edit or delete action.

      View Members

      For Each Gift can view members details who have purchased gift by click on View Members Icon at right side.

      Edit Gift

      Can Edit Gift Details by Click on Edit Gift icon.


      Each Gift can be deleted by just one click on DELETE Icon at right side.

      Important Note: When delete gift it will also remove gift details from member detail who have purchased code, gift payments as well as from coupon.


    You have Search Box at the top for searching gift

    Add/Edit Gift

    You can enter the gift title, gift description, gift amount, and gift type. You can select Gift Type Membership Plan to allow gifts on membership plan, select Paid Post allow gifts on purchase of the Paid Post, and select Both to allow in the membership plan and paid post together.

    click on Save button.

    Assign Gift

    Click on Assign Gift button to assign gift to user.

    Select Gift you want to assign and select user to whom want to assign gift.

    Click on Add button to assign Gift.

How to Configure Gift Setup form

    To configure Gift into your setup form go to ARMember -> Configure Plan + Signup Page -> Add/Edit Setup Form

    From here, you need to select Gift Setup for the Setup Type option as you can see in the above screenshot.

    Rest of all configuration is same as Membership Plan Setup.

    After Adding Setup for Gift you are able to see Setup Type as a Gift for Gift Setup configuration in Configure Plan + Signup Page.

Gift Setup for Front End

For non Logged in member, Gift Membership purchase form will available with signup form.

For Logged in member, Gift Membership purchase form will be able to purchase gift without filling signup form!

How to use Gift Code

    Redeem Gift Code is same as applying coupon to purchase Membership Plan or Paid Post. When purchase Membership plan or Paid Post enter gift code as coupon code in Setup Form.

Gift Shortcodes


Display Current user purchased Gift Details

From, wordpress Editor you can add ARMember shortcode as shown below:

Possible Arguments:
title Title of grid Default: Purchased Gift List
setup_id Gift Setup Wizard ID of which you want to inherit settings( except payment gateways selected) in setup.
membership_label Purchased Gift – Grid Column Label
membership_value Purchased Gift – Grid Column Label Value

    Gift Invitation

    By clicking on Gift Invitation button popup will open which allow to enter invite user email address. as below screenshot


Display Member’s Transactions for gift purchase.

Possible Arguments:
title Section Heading.
per_page Number of Records per Page
message_no_record Display Message if no records found.
label Gift Payment History – Grid Column Label
Value Gift Payment History – Grid Column Label

Gift Payments

  • To get payment history about gift purchases go to ARMember -> Gift Payments.

  • From the above screen you can see the Payment history of Gift.
  • You can filter the transaction history by Payment Gateway, Status, and Date range.
  • You can view the Payment detail by clicking on View Detail icon. and from the same location you can delete the payment history.
  • You can also export the Paid Post payment history in CSV file.

Gift history in View Member Detail

  • To View List of purchased gift from admin panel, go to ARmember -> Manage Members -> View Detail grid action

  • Member Gift History shows the history of purchased gift.
  • Gift Payment History shows the Payment History of purchased gift.

Email Notification For Gift

  • You can manage following events notifications. All the events are automatically handled by ARMember plugin.

    On New Gift Purchase

    This event will trigger when member purchases new gift.

    On Invite User For Gift

    Send Email Notification when invite for gift.

    On Redeem Gift notification to Gift Owner

    This event will send email notification to gift owner when gift code will redeem.

  • You can use Invite Gift Code Template tag for email notification to send gift code into email notification. As shown in screenshot: