ARMember – Redirection Rules

Redirection Rules

Go to the Redirection Rules tab at General Settings page. Where you can set default redirection rules for login, registration, plan + signup, social connect.

Login Form Redirection Rules

From here, you can set rules for redirecting user after successful login from ARMember login form. ARMember provides two options for login redirection. These rules apply same for all users irrespective of from which login form set user have logged in.

  • Fixed Redirection
  • Conditional Redirection
  1. Fixed Redirection

    You can redirect user to a page/ specific URL / back to referrer after login.

    In case of URL two shorcodes are supported :

    • {ARMCURRENTUSERNAME} : add current user’s username in URL
    • {ARMCURRENTUSERID} : add current user’s id in URL

    So, this option will be helpful if you directly want to redirect users to their related profile page.(For example: profile page of buddyPress having username or userid in its URL.)

  2. Conditional Redirection

    You can conditionally redirect user to different pages according to his plan. Different conditions are as below:

    • First Time Logged In
    • In Trial
    • In Grace Period
    • Failed Payment
    • Pending
    • Before Expiration Of x Days

If none of the conditions matches, then user will be redirected to URL set in ‘Default Redirection’.

NOTE: This rules will be applied only if user is logged in from front through ARMember login form.

After Edit Profile Form Redirection Rules

  1. Fixed Redirection
  2. You can redirect the members after they edit there profile page. You can set a fixed page to where you want the members to be redirected after the member edits there profile from the form.

    Edit Profile Redirection

  3. Form wise redirection
  4. If you have created multiple edit profile forms at your site and you want to redirected the members as per the form then submitted they you can choose this option.

    With this you can create an extraordinary multi-step edit profile form for your site. Simply create multiple different Edit Profile forms and then redirect the members each after one form is submitted.

    Kindly check the below provided screenshot in order to achieve multiple steps edit profile form.

    Edit Profile Redirection Rules

  5. Success Message
  6. If you do not want the members to redirect too any specific page then you can simply choose ‘Success Message’, option with this you can redirect the members to the success message and then they can access other pages.

Basic SignUp Form Redirection Rules

From here, you can set rules for redirecting user after successful registration through ARMember sign up form. ARMember provides two options for sign up redirection.

  • Fixed Redirection
  • Form Wise Redirection
  1. Fixed Redirection

    You can redirect user to a page/ specific URL / back to referrer after signup.

  2. Form Wise Redirection

You can conditionally redirect user to different pages based on sign up form from which he signed up.

If none of the conditions matches, then user will be redirected to URL set in ‘Default Redirection’.

NOTE: This rules will be applied only if user is signed up from front through ARMember signup form.

Plan+Sign Up Redirection Rules

From here, you can set rules for redirecting user from plan+sinup page.

ARMember provides different options for redirecting user from this page. For ex. when user first time sign up with any plan redirect to page A, when user changes to / purchase a new plan redirect to page B, when user renew his plan redirect user to page C.

These rules will apply irrespective of which plan+signup shortcode is used.

  1. Redirection for Membership SignUp

    You can redirect users to fixed page / Fixed URL/ specific page plan wise when user first time sign up with any membership plan through plan+signup shortcode.

  2. Redirection for Add/Change Membership

    You can redirect users to fixed page / Fixed URL when user purchase/changes to a new membership after login through plan+signup shortcode.

    Further, you can also set the Conditional Redirection, as per the member having the membership plan, you can select the plan and set the URL for the redirection. Also you can add more than one conditions as well.

  3. Redirection For Renew Membership

    You can redirect users to fixed page / Fixed URL when user renew his membership after login through plan+signup shortcode.

If none of the above case matches, then user will be redirected to URL set in ‘Default Redirection’.

Here too, you can add the Conditional Redirection as per the member having the membership plan so when the member renews their plan then you can redirect the members differently as per the plan they have renewed at their account.

Social Connect Redirection ( For One Click Signup )

From here, you can set rule for redirect user when they use social connect button to connect to system. You can redirect user to specific page/URL after they login to system using social connect button.

NOTE: This rules will be applied only if One Click Sign up is enabled in Social Connect from ARMember -> General Settings.

Default Redirection Rules

From here, you can set default redirection rules for logged in/non logged in when they try to access restricted content from ARMember -> Access Rules.

  1. For non logged in users

    All restricted content will be accessed only by user have specific plan/no plan as per set in access rules. So when any non logged in user try to access any restricted content(pages/posts), then he will be redirected to home/specific page as per set in ‘For non logged in users ‘ option.

  2. For logged in users

    When any logged in user try to access any restricted content(pages/posts), then he will be redirected to home/specific page as per set in ‘For logged in users’ option.

  3. Restricted drip item access redirection

    When any user logged in/non logged in try to access any restricted content(pages/posts) which is added in ARMember->General Settings but not dripped yet, then he will be redirected to home/specific page as per set in ‘Restricted drip item access redirection’ option.

Paid Post Redirection Rules

From here, you can set rules for redirecting the user after successful purchase paid post from Configure Plan + Signup Page. ARMember provides two options for paid post redirection.

NOTE: This redirection settings will be available after Pay Per Post module is Activated from ARMember -> Addons page.

  1. Same page (Paid Post URL)

    ARMember General Settings ( Redirection )

    You can redirect user after successful purchase paid post to purchased Paid Post URL.

  2. Specific Page

    ARMember General Settings ( Redirection )

    You can redirect user to specific page after successful purchase paid post.