ARMember Shortcode Library

ARMember shortcodes is a library of comprehensive shortcodes that can be integrated to enhance and customize your membership websites. These shortcodes are aimed at simplifying your user’s experience and increasing the ease of user interface. Be it managing content restrictions, user profiles, or dynamic login forms, these shortcodes are a quick help. In this documentation, you can checkout all the available shortcodes, their utility, and parameters. With the help of this detailed guide, you can effectively use shortcodes, even without any prior coding experience.


This shortcode displays ARMember form ( Sign Up, Login, Forgot Password, Change Password ).

Possible Arguments:
id (required) ID of Signup/Login/Forgot Password/Change password Form
form_position set possible value from left, center or right Default: center
popup Display form in popup box. Default: false
link_type Link type. Possible options: link, button, onload Default: link ( Work when popup option is true ).
link_title Link / Button text ( Work when popup option is true ).
overlay Popup box overlay ( Work when popup option is true ).
modal_bgcolor Popup box background color( Work when popup option is true ).
popup_height Popup box height ( Work when popup option is true ).
popup_width Popup box width ( Work when popup option is true ).
link_css Popup box Link / Button style ( Work when popup option is true ).
link_hover_css Popup box Link / Button hover style ( Work when popup option is true ).
assign_default_plan ID of any membership plan of type ‘FREE’.
(Note: This argument will be used only with sign up form and it will accept only free membership plan ID)
logged_in_message Custom Message that will be shown to user when he/she is already logged in and try to access registration, login, forgot password form.
(Note: If you will keep it blank, then nothing will be displayed to logged in user when they come to the page having registration/login/forgot password form)


This shortcode displays edit profile form.

Possible Arguments:
form_id (required) Set ID of the Profile form
form_position Set possible value from left, center or right
Default: center


This shortcode displays social network buttons.

Possible Arguments:
network Social network name(ex: facebook/twitter/google/linkedin/vk/instagram/tumblr), If network name is not given, then all active social network buttons are shown.
icon Image URL for the social network Icon


This shortcode displays Plan+Sign Up Form.

Possible Arguments:
id Membership Setup Wizard ID.
hide_title Whether to hide setup title or not. Default: false
popup Display form in popup box. Default: false
link_type Link type. Possible options: link, button Default: link ( Work when popup option is true ).
link_title Link / Button text ( Work when popup option is true ).
overlay Popup box overlay ( Work when popup option is true ).
modal_bgcolor Popup box background color( Work when popup option is true ).
popup_height Popup box height ( Work when popup option is true ).
popup_width Popup box width ( Work when popup option is true ).
link_css Popup box Link / Button style ( Work when popup option is true ).
link_hover_css Popup box Link / Button hover style ( Work when popup option is true ).
subscription_plan (plan_id) In any case if you want to display selected plan different than setup configuration, then you can add subscription_plan parameter in this shortcode.
hide_plans 0 or 1 (In any case if you want to hide plan selection area from configuration page, then you can add hide_plans parameter in this shortcode.)
payment_duration payment cycle’s order ID. for ex. if 3 is passed, then 3rd payment cycle of plan will remain selected by default. This argument will work only subscription_plan argument is passed.
your_current_membership_text This text will be displayed when member has already purchased membership plan. Default: Your Current Membership


This shortcode displays logout link/button.

Possible Arguments:
type Logout display type. Possible values: link, button. Default: link
label Link / Button Text. Default: Logout
user_info Show current user name. Possible values: true, false. Default: true
redirect_to Redirect URL after successful logout. Default: Home URL
link_css Link / Button style.
link_hover_css Link / Button hover style.


This shortcode displays close account form.

Possible Arguments:
set_id Name of Created Login Form Set Name (Close Form Layout will be same as the passed Login form set id)

In order to change the description, form labels and the validation message you can click here to know how to acheive this.


This shortcode displays member’s payment transactions history.

Possible Arguments:
title Section Heading.
per_page Number of Records per Page
message_no_record Display Message if no records found.
label Payment History – Grid Column Label
Value Payment History – Grid Column Label Value


This shortcode displays member’s account details.

Possible Arguments:
Label arm_account_detail – Grid Column Label
Value arm_account_detail – Grid Column Value
social_fields Social Fields


This shortcode displays/hides enclosed content to specific plan members.

Possible Arguments:
type Show or hide content. Default: hide
plan Plan Id or comma separated plan ids. Default: all


This shortcode displays current user’s membership details.

Possible Arguments:
title Title of grid Default: Current Membership
setup_id Membership Setup Wizard ID of which you want to inherit settings( except plans and payment gateways selected) in setup that will load when user clicks on Renew/Make Payment button.
membership_label Current Membership – Grid Column Label
membership_value Current Membership – Grid Column Label Value
display_renew_button true/false Default: false
renew_text Renew Button Text Default: Renew
make_payment_text Make Payment Button Text Default: Make Payment
renew_css Css for Renew Button
renew_hover_css Css for Renew Button Hover
display_cancel_button true/false Default: false
cancel_text Cancel Button Text Default: Cancel
cancel_css Css for Canel Button Hover
cancel_hover_css Css for Cancel Button Hover
cancel_message Message that will be displayed when user’s membership is cancelled successfully.
display_update_card_button Display button to allow user to update their subscription card detail. Default: false
update_card_text Add/Update text for Update Card button.
update_card_css Add CSS Properties for styling your Update Card button.
update_card_hover_css Add CSS Properties for styling your Update Card button on hover on it.
trial_active Display Trail Active Label
message_no_record Display Message if no records found.


This shortcode displays current user purchased paid post details (Pay Per Post Shortcode).

Possible Arguments:
title Title of grid Default: Purchased Paid Post List
setup_id Paid Post Setup Wizard ID of which you want to inherit settings( except payment gateways selected) in setup that will load when user clicks on Renew/Make Payment button.
membership_label Purchased Paid Post – Grid Column Label
membership_value Purchased Paid Post – Grid Column Label Value
display_renew_button true/false Default: false
renew_text Renew Button Text Default: Renew
make_payment_text Make Payment Button Text Default: Make Payment
renew_css CSS for Renew Button
renew_hover_css CSS for Renew Button Hover
display_cancel_button true/false Default: false
cancel_text Cancel Button Text Default: Cancel
cancel_css CSS for Cancel Button Hover
cancel_hover_css CSS for Cancel Button Hover
cancel_message Message that will be displayed when user’s paid post is canceled successfully.
message_no_record Display Message if no records found.


This shortcode displays member’s paid post transaction details (Pay Per Post Shortcode).

Possible Arguments:
title Section Heading.
per_page Number of Records per Page
message_no_record Display Message if no records found.
label Paid Post Payment History – Grid Column Label
Value Paid Post Payment History – Grid Column Label Value


This shortcode displays paid post buy now button for the post (Pay Per Post Shortcode).

Possible Arguments:
label Buy Now Button/Link Label. Default: Buy Now
type Buy now display link type. “link” or “button” Default:link
redirect_url Redirect URL( Optional ) If you don’t add URL at above textbox then buynow page will be set from ARMember -> General Settings -> Page Setup page.
link_css Link / Button custom CSS style.
link_hover_css Link / Button hover custom CSS style.


This shortcode displays members directory or member profile detail.

Possible Arguments:
id (required) Template ID.
type (required) Template Type. options: directory, profile


This will provide conditional redirection based on plan along with plan comparison.

Possible Arguments:
condition (required) having/nothaving
plans (required) Id of plan
redirect_to Redirection URL Default: Home Page


This will provide conditional redirection to user based on its role.

Possible Arguments:
condition (required) having/nothaving
arm_conditional_redirection_by_user_role_roles (required) Role of user
redirect_to Redirection URL Default: Home Page


This shortcode displays currently logged in user’s User ID. This is accessible in any post,page, in widget area.


This shortcode displays currently logged in user’s username. This is accessible in any post, page, in widget area.


This shortcode displays currently logged in user’s displayname. This is accessible in any post, page, in widget area.


This shortcode displays currently logged in user’s first name and last name combination. This is accessible in any post, page, in widget area.


This shortcode will display enclosed content only if user is currently in trial period.


This shortcode will display enclosed content only if user is currently not in trial period.


This shortcode displays user’s specified meta information.


This shortcode allows you to display the logged in user’s current active plan.

Possible Arguments:
meta (required) User Meta Key.


This shortcode displays specified user’s badge icons. If user_id is not specified, then it will display currently logged in user’s all badge icons.

Possible Arguments:
user_id (optional) User ID.


This shortcode displays specified user’s plan information such as start date, end date, etc.

Possible Arguments:
plan_id (required) Membership Plan ID.
plan_info (required) Possible arguments from arm_start_plan, arm_expire_plan, arm_trial_start, arm_trial_end, arm_grace_period_end, arm_user_gateway, arm_completed_recurring, arm_next_due_payment, arm_payment_mode, arm_payment_cycle.

These ARMember shortcodes are very easy to grasp, isn’t it! Now you have an access and understanding of the entire ARMember Shortcode Library. Thus, you can customize and enhance your membership site’s functionality easily. Eventually, if you have any queries while working on these shortcodes, feel free to reach out to our support team. Share us your experience and feedback below as we at ARMember are continuously focused on making the membership site business easier, smoother, and powerful