ARMember Capabilities List

How to assign ARMember Capabilities of certain pages to different roles?

Important Note: Once you assign ARMember capabilities of any page to a role then the existing as well as the new users registering with that role will be able to access the pages allowed.

Below are the various ARMember capabilities that the admin panel pages of ARMember offer. These capabilities can be effortlessly provided to any role, allowing you to customize the access and permissions for each role according to your requirements.

Additionally, these capabilities are flexible and can be assigned to any custom role as well. Before heading towards making any changes check the WordPress Default User Roles offered and their capability.

The site owner can make a decision about which admin panel pages can be given rights to the pages as per their role. You can assign these ARMember capabilities to any roles with the help of the third party plugins available at WordPress Few of those are User Role Editor or Advanced Access Manager tools.

ARMember Capabilities List for Pages

  • Manage Member: arm_manage_members
  • With this capability, the member will have access to the page Admin Panel โ‡พ Manage Members page. This capability will be useful for allowing the certain role or user to check, edit and update the members.

  • Manage Plans: arm_manage_plans
  • Out of various ARMember Capabilities, this allows certain roles to create and manage the plans. It further grants the access to the page available at the ARMember โ‡พ Manage Plans.

  • Configure Plan + Signup Page: arm_manage_setups
  • This capability allows the particular role or user to check the page available at Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Configure Plan + Signup Page. This page allows the role to add/edit setup form and edit the form to look more versatile.

  • Manage Forms Page: arm_manage_forms
  • In ARMember capabilities, this allows you to manage and create forms offered by ARMember like Registration Form, Login Form, Change Password Form, Reset Password Form, Edit Profile form. The page that will be accessible will be Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Manage Forms.

  • Content Access Rules: arm_manage_access_rules
  • This capability allows the users to access the page at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Content Access Rules. This page contains a list of all the pages, posts, CPTs, and much more. Through that, user can control the access for members having certain plans.

  • Drip Rules Page: arm_manage_drip_rules
  • This ARMember capability will be accessible only when the Drip Content Addon will be activated. With this capability the member will be able to access that page at Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Drip Content. This page allows to schedule the content based on different time intervals.

  • Manage Subscriptions: arm_manage_subscriptions
  • In order to allow any user role to manage subscriptions, you can easily grant the access to the page Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Manage Subscription where in they can check all the subscriptions along with the upcoming subscriptions lists too.

  • Payment History: arm_manage_transactions
  • ARMember has a separate page for checking the payment history of all the members. If your site requires to allow any role to check these transactions being made then you can grant the access to Payment History page which can be then checked from the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Payment History.

  • Email Notifications: arm_manage_email_notifications
  • ARMember does provide a facility to edit & create emails as per the site requirements. However in order to grant the access to the page available at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Email Notifications.

  • General Settings: arm_manage_general_settings
  • ARMember has a page in general for setting up multiple things and with this page you can configure the email servers, check the debug logs, set new user approval and much more. In order to grant the access to the page at Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ General Settings use this ARMember capability.

  • Profile & Directories: arm_manage_member_templates
  • This capability allows certain roles to create Member Profiles, Members Directory and Membership Cards eventually. And with this the users will have access to the page available at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Profile & Directories.

  • User Private Content: arm_manage_private_content
  • The above capability also allows the access to page at Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ User Private Content. This page further allows the users to create and set the private content for other users. Moreover after activating the User Private Content addon you can view this page.

  • Manage Paid Posts: arm_manage_pay_per_post
  • This page offers a facility to create/manage the Paid Post. The capability further allows the access to the page at Admin Panel โ‡พ ARmember โ‡พ Manage Paid Posts. Also, ensure that you have activated the Pay Per Post addon to use this ARMember capability.

  • Coupon Management: arm_manage_coupons
  • ARMember offers an addon Coupon Management. With this addon the site owner can generate/import the coupon codes for various plans specifically. However, you can allow this task to be done by some other user role. It can be simply done by granting access to this page.ย  This particularly can be checked from the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Coupon Management.

  • Badges & Achievements: arm_badges
  • With this ARMember capability you can allow the users to access the page at Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Badges & Achievements. This page is available on activating the Social Feature Addon.

  • Reports Pages: arm_report_analytics
  • ARMember offers various reports to keep a track on memberships. Thus, with this ARMember capability you can allow any role to access the monthly and yearly reports. With this capability you can further allow the members to access Reportsย  at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Reports. It is also possible to do it with sub options.

  • Add-ons page: arm_manage_feature_settings
  • With this ARMember capability the site owner can eventually allow the users to access the page at Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Addons page.

ARMember Dashboard Widget List of Capabilities

  • Admin panel dashboard widgets: arm_admin_dashboard_widgets
  • With the help of this special ARMember capability, you can allow certain roles to check the widgets on the admin dashboard. You can easily check itย  from the Admin Panel โ‡พ Dashboard.

ARMember Access Rules Metabox Capability List

  • WordPress admin panel Add/Edit Page/Post: arm_content_access_rules_metabox
  • This capability can be assigned to the role to which you want to allow the facility to restrict the access to the page/post directly while creating a page/post. With this capability a metabox to manage the access of that particular page will be added at the Admin Panel โ‡พ Pages/Post โ‡พ Edit/Add post or page.

ARMember Affiliate Addon Capability List

  • Manage Affiliate: arm_affiliate
  • This page will be accessible only when the ARMember Affiliate Addon will be activated.

  • Manage User Commission: arm_affiliate_commision_setup
  • ARMember also provides a facility to set the user commission rates, and this page can be accessed from the Admin Panel โ‡พ Affiliates โ‡พ User Commission.

  • Manage Referral: arm_affiliate_referral
  • With this addon the site owner can check the referrals coming to your site and in order to allow and manage the referrals by any other role you can allow the access to the page Admin Panel โ‡พ Affiliates โ‡พ Referrals.

  • Manage Payouts: arm_affiliate_payouts
  • The addons also allows a facility to manage the payouts made from your site in order to allow the access to grant this capability to the role. The page that will be accessible will be Admin Panel โ‡พ Affiliates โ‡พ Payouts.

  • Affiliate User Visits: arm_affiliate_visits
  • Affiliate Statistics: arm_affiliate_statistics
  • You can specifically check some statistics at Admin Panel โ‡พ Affiliates โ‡พ Dashboard.

  • Manage Banners: arm_affiliate_banners
  • ARMember Affiliate Addon allows you to create the banner in order to allow other members to create banners you can grant the access to this page, and they will be able to access the page at the Admin Panel โ‡พ Affiliates โ‡พ Banners.

  • Affiliate Settings: arm_affiliate_option
  • In order to set up the affiliate rules the ARMember offers a separate page. Therefore with this capability the members will be able to access the Admin Panel โ‡พ Affiliates โ‡พ Settings.

  • Migration: arm_affiliate_migration
  • This capability allows the access to the page displayed at the Admin Panel โ‡พ Affiliates โ‡พ Migration.

ARMember Online Courses Addon Capability List

  • Manage Courses: arm_manage_courses
  • After activating the Online Course Addon this page is also available on your site. On assigning this ARMember capability to any role you can give them the access to create and manage the courses, quizzes, and also lessons. On assigning this capability, certain roles will have the access to the page at Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Manage Courses.

Group Membership Addon ARMember Capability List

  • Group Membership: arm_gm_membership
  • On activating the Group/Umbrella Membership Addon, this page will be available on your site. By assigning this capability to any role, you can give them the access to check the group memberships created at your site along with the list of parent and child users. If you assign this capability, then certain roles will have access to the page at Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Group Membership.

ARMember Social Community Addon Capability List

  • Community Settings: arm_community_settings
  • When the Social Community Addon is active, the ARMember capabilities for this page will be visible. With this ARMember capability the members can set the settings for the Social Community, which is accessible at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Community Settings.

  • Community Activities: arm_community_activity
  • This capability allows you access to the page available at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Community Activities. With this page you can check the user activities made, manage reviews, manage posts and much more.

  • Community Groups: arm_community_group
  • With this capability certain roles can check all the groups created at the community and can also add new groups, the page for which they will have access to is the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Community Groups.

ARMember Digital Download Addon Capability List

  • Manage Downloads: arm_dd_item
  • This page allows the members to manage and create all the download items. With this capability the members will be able to access the page at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Manage Downloads. On adding the Digital Download Addon you can easily activate this page.

  • Download History: arm_dd_download
  • ARMember does offer a separate page in order to check the download history for the members who are downloading the items added. With this capability the members will be able to access the page available at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Download History.

  • Download Settings: arm_dd_setting
  • ARMember does offer a separate page in order to set the download settings for the downloads items added. With this capability the members will be able to access the page available at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Download Settings.

ARMember Zapier Addon Capability List

  • Zapier Settings: arm_zapier_setting
  • On activating the Zapier Integration Addon this page will be eventually visible. With this ARMember capability, the members will be able to access the page available at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Zapier Settings.

ARMember Capabilities List for Gift Addon

  • Manage Gifts: arm_manage_gift
  • The page to Manage Gifts will be visible when the addon Gift Membership is activated at your site. If this capability is assigned to any role then the members can easily manage all the gifts added at the backend and also add new or edit the existing ones.

  • Gift Payments: arm_manage_gift_transactions
  • This capability will allow the members to access the page at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Gift Payments.

ARMember Direct Login Addon Capability List

  • Direct Login: arm_direct_logins
  • On activating the direct login addon this page is visible. This ARMember capability can allow certain role to have the access to the page available at the Admin Panel โ‡พ ARMember โ‡พ Direct Login. This page allows managing the sessions active/inactive for the members to directly login without using any credentials.