Paid Pages/Posts โ€“ Payment Process

There are some possible types of posts you can create with different options. Each possible types of posts are described here.

You can set the paid post payment type from ARMember -> Manage Paid Post -> Add Paid Post.


Paid Post (infinite) – Lifetime

If you select this post type, you just need to add Amount for your post. There will be no expiration of user’s paid post with this post type.


Paid Post (finite) – Fixed Duration

Select this option to give a specific time limit for your paid post. You can set time in Days, Weeks, Months or Years.


For this paid post, you have to add the Amount.

Subscription / Recurring Payment

Select this as Payment Type to create Recurring Billing Paid Post. On selecting this option, you will have other options. ARMember does provide a facility to add multiple payment cycles for any one plan/post.

Billing Cycle


Select Time duration for billing cycle, you can set time in Days, Months or Years. ARMember offers the facility to add the multiple billing cycles, for a subscription/recurring paid post you can add the multiple billing cycles as per your site requirements.

You should add Billing Cycle according to payment gateway support. i.e. Authorize.NET will not support daily billing cycle, it supports minimum 7 days billing cycle.

Recurring Time

From here you can select number of recurring occurrence, if you want to set no limit for recurring plan then you can select Infinite.

Important Note: If members purchase free type post and if member is logged in then free post will be automatically purchased no need to submit setup form!

Important Note: For, Recurring Paid Post type Payment Method will always consider as Semi Automatic (Manual) Payment Method.