Zapier Integration

Zapier Trigger Method

Important Note: This plugin will only work if ARMember plugin version is 1.8 or higher.

This Addon will allow you to synchronize your website data with other apps using zapier.

ARMember – Zapier Key Features:

  • Easy Installation.
  • Easy integration with other apps using Zapier.
  • Zapier is service which connects over 700 different apps โ€“ to allow for useful integrations between them.
  • The ARMember – Zapier supports the following triggers to automate synchronize your website data with other apps.
    • On User Registration
    • On User Update Profile
    • On Membership Plan Renewed
    • On Membership Plan Changed
    • On Membership Plan Cancel
    • On User Deleted
  • The ARMember – Zapier supports to trigger Zapier Actions.

Steps For Installation And Activation

You can install plugin in following two ways. ARMember – Zapier Addon requires ARMember Plugin installed and active.

New install via FTP

  1. Download Addon and extract it. You will find a directory armemberzapier.
  2. In your WordPress installation directory, upload armemberzapier to wp-content/plugins/
  3. Activate the ARMember - Zapier Addon through the Plugins menu from WordPress admin panel.

New install via the WordPress Uploader

  1. Download Addon.
  2. Log in to your WordPress admin panel
  3. Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload
  4. Click on “choose file” and browse the download package. When the Addon uploads successfully, click on Activate Plugin.

Steps to Setup Zapier For Your Website

Let’s setup ARMember – Zapier for your website :

  1. When plugin activated then Zapier page will be displayed in ARMember.

    Please see below screenshot.

    Zapier Display in ARMember section

  2. Click on Zapier Settings page then you can see triggers and actions.

    Please see below screenshots.

    Display Zapier trigger section

    Display Zapier action section

  3. You will have to select the fields that you want to send the data into zapier, if you want to send all of the data then, just leave it blank.

  4. You can set below triggers in your zapier account.

    • User Register
    • User Update Profile
    • User Renew Plan
    • User Change Plan
    • On Cancel/Expire Plan
    • User Delete

    You will be able to Enable and Disable all triggers.

  5. You can set field for action from Enable User Register Using Zapier Action Click Enable for your zapier account.

    • Enter armember_zap_action -> success assign default membership plan and custom field add and Save.

      For security purpose, user will be created only if above parameter and entered value will be matched with webhook URL.
      Please use exact (case sensitive) parameter name and value in your Zapier webhook action.

    • You can set the field for assigning the membership plan from Assign default membership plan to user upon signup

      Selected plan from this dropdown will be assigned to member only if ‘arm_membership_plan’ parameter (see all possible parameters below) is not passed in your webhook action.

    • You can add custom fields using zapier actions from Enter parameter name for user custom fields

      You can add all custom meta keys here for user registration. Please add only those parameters which are not listed below.

    • Note: Default parameters listed below can be passed to webhook action directly without adding anywhere.

    • Field Name Parameters
      Email Address email (required)
      Username user_login (optional)
      First Name first_name (optional)
      Last Name last_name (optional)
      Plain Password user_pass (optional)
      Display Name display_name (optional)
      User Nice Name user_nicename (optional)
      Website URL user_url (optional)
      Assign Membership Plan arm_member_plan_id (optional)

Steps to Setup Zapier Trigger For Your Website

  1. First of all login to your zapier account. For login to zapier account Click here.

  2. If you do not have zapier account then Create zapier account.

  3. After login to your zapier account. Please follow the below steps for Create a zap or How to setup trigger in zapier.

    1. Click on MAKE A ZAP button from your Dashboard page.

    2. For set Trigger you need to select Webhooks app from Built-In apps list.

      Please see below screenshot.

      Select Trigger App

    3. Then after need to select app trigger. There is must need to select Catch Hook. It’s important that you select this trigger otherwise the integration will not work.

      Please see below screenshot.

      Select Trigger App

      After select the trigger click on Save + Continue button.

    4. Then the below screen will be displayed.

      Select Trigger App

      There is no need to enter any of the text in the text box. Because you will be able to get all the field lists that you have selected on the Zapier settings page in the Zapier action

      If you specify the child key from the object then you will only access the child key in action.

    5. Click on Continue button so you will see the below screen.

      Select Trigger App

      Copy the Webhook URL and set into Webhook URL in ARMember Zapier setting page.

      • If you want to send data to app when user register on your site then enable User Register and set the webhook URL in User Register Webhook URL text box.

      • If you want to send data to app when user renew plan on your site then enable User Renew Plan and set the webhook URL in User Renew Plan Webhook URL text box.

      • If you want to send data to app when user change plan on your site then enable User Change Plan and set the webhook URL in User Change Plan Webhook URL text box.

      • If you want to send data to app when Membership plan cancel or expire then enable On Membership Plan Cancel and set the webhook URL in On Membership Plan Cancel Webhook URL text box.

      • If you want to send data to app when user delete on your site then enable User Delete and set the webhook URL in User Delete Webhook URL text box.

      • After setting the webhook URL. Click on the save button and save the settings.

      After save the ARMember Zapier settings, Click on OK, I did this button on your zapier account.

    6. Then perform the action in a website that you have set webhook URL.

      So Zapier webhook is tested and the field list will be displayed in Action. It’s important that you test the trigger otherwise the field list will not appear in action app.

      When you done the action in website than you can see the below screen in your zapier account.

      Select Trigger App

    7. Click on Continue button. You have successfully set the trigger in your zapier account.

    8. Now you can set action in your zapier account.

      Select app that you want to set action and select action for the selected app.

      You can connect a new account or If you have already connected an account, Than you will select an specific account.

      After connect the app need to set required field and test the connected app.

      When you successfully test the connected app then after click on finish button and insert ZAP name.

      If created ZAP is on in your zapier account then the data will be synchronize.

    9. For more information about how to create zap Click here.

Steps to Setup Zapier Action For Your Website

Zapier Action Method
  1. First of all login to your zapier account. For login to zapier account Click here.

  2. If you do not have zapier account then Create zapier account.

  3. After login to your zapier account. Please follow the below steps for Create a zap or How to setup action in zapier.

    1. Click on MAKE A ZAP button from your Dashboard page.

      Note:Below Given Example with connect zap action with MailChimp

    2. For set Trigger you need to select Webhooks app from Your Apps apps list.

      Please see below screenshot.

      Select Trigger App

    3. Then after need to select app trigger. There is must need to select mailchimp trigger New Subscriber. It’s important that you select this trigger otherwise the integration will not work.

      Please see below screenshot.

      Select MailChimp Trigger

      After select the trigger click on Save + Continue button.

    4. Then the below screen will be display.

      Select MailChimp List of Group

    5. Select list of group MailChimp account click on Continue button so you will see the below screen.

      Zap Setup

      Setup your zap click on Pull in Samples button.

    6. Then the below screen will be display.

      Currently Action Step

      After all trigger setup click on"Your Zap currently lacks an Action step. Add one now!"

    7. Action Step

    8. Then after select webhooks by zapier action

      Please see below screenshot.

      Select Action App

    9. For set action you need to select Webhooks app from Built-In apps list.

      Please see below screenshot.

      Select Webhook Action

      After select the trigger click on Save + Continue button.

    10. Enter your website URL and data field following setup armember_zap_action -> success default parameter like email(required), first_name, last_name, user_login, password, display_name, user_nicename, user_url, custom field and assign membership plan (arm_member_plan_id) add and continue

      Please see below screenshot.

      Webhook Form Step

      Add armember_zap_action as mandatory field for creating user using zapier webhook. with set value as at ARMember zapier settings.

      After all field setup click on Continue button.

    11. Then after please see below screenshot.

      Webhook Test

      Click on Send Test to Webhooks by Zapier button.

    12. Then after please see below screenshot.

      Webhook Test successfully

      Click on Finish button. You have successfully set the trigger and action in your zapier account.